The best starter champion in Raid Shadow legends
If you’re new to Raid Shadow Legends, chances are you’re wondering who the best starter champion is and although everyone has a different opinion here are the main reasons one champion really stands out for us.
When you start the game, right after the introduction scene you are given the choice of 4 magic affinity rare champions:
Kael – Dark Elves
Elhain – High Elves
Athel – The Sacred Order
Galek – Orcs
All of the starter champions are incredibly helpful in early game content as their AOE abilities help to clear waves fast, helping you to progress through early levels of campaign and dungeons, they are also reliable campaign farmers for a while, although they aren’t the fastest of clearers and as you progress you will find significantly better options. All that said, all 4 of the starter champions are perfectly capable of farming stage 12-3 brutal at level 60 providing they’re wearing the correct gear.
Let’s take a look at all of the champions individually:
Athel – Sacred Order
Athel buffs herself on her A3 to increase her damage. She has the ability to tear through waves with her A2 as well as placing a 25% weaken debuff on enemies with her A1.
Elhain – High Elves
Elhain is the second-best starter champion in our opinion as she provides 2 AOE abilities which both hit quite hard, as well as a 2-hit A1 ability which is particularly useful in dungeons such as Fire Knight’s Castle. Elhain is also very useful in the arena as seen in Hellhades’ previous free-to-play account.
Galek – Orcs
Whilst Galek is helpful, he, unfortunately, doesn’t compare to the other 3 champions. Galek’s decrease defense hits 4 random targets meaning it could fail to land on everyone. However, his AOE decrease defense requires 2 or more debuffs on the target already to provide a 60% version, which is provided as a baseline by lots of other champions including Warmaiden who is easily farmable.
Kael – Dark Elves
Kael’s A1 ability provides a weak poison alongside his multiple hit A3 providing the big boy version of poison, his A2 ability also hits very hard and can be used as an arena nuker, and is incredibly strong for clearing waves in both campaign and dungeons. The poisons Kael brings are also vital for Dragon’s Lair for the boss, and he provides a lot of damage to the waves with his AOE abilities.
Kael is the only starter champion who is viable in clan boss for a long period of time, although he is later replaceable by the likes of Frozen Banshee and Occult Brawler, until that point he is the best easily obtainable poisoner which is incredibly important when progressing Clan Boss. For these reasons, Kael easily outshines all other starter champion options for us.
So with all that being said, why Kael?
It all comes down to how useful each character will be as you progress further into the game, Kael is useable in all areas of the game thanks to his versatility, he can perform and compete with legendaries in end game teams and content and will carry you further and faster through content than any of the other options.
Let’s talk about the absolute basics of gearing Kael:
Clan boss: focus his build on high defense, the ‘correct’ level of accuracy and speed.
Other areas of the game: high damage builds with 85% critical rate, and other damaging stats – however, you will need accuracy still to land his poisons.
Early game: a great option is the starter lifesteal gear with a more diverse mix of stats, to help you in all areas of the game.
Kael is very worthy of being a 6-star champion and one we highly recommend investing time and energy into developing him further, we promise you won’t regret it.
Let us know your opinions in the comments – who did you start with?
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ps. sorry fot all typos