Top 10 Champions to Freeze the Fire Knight on Hard Mode!
In the hard variation of Fyro, The Fire Knight dungeon, freeze debuffs are essential for controlling his Turn Meter, making traditional control champions like Alure ineffective. In today’s article, we’ll highlight the best champions in Raid Shadow Legends for controlling this boss and keeping him from constantly attacking your team. Successful teams for this encounter often include Ally Attack champions to help reduce shield counters and give your A1 Freeze champions extra attacks to maintain control while you work to defeat the boss. There are also strategies where you survive the boss’s first attack, then reduce the shield counters with counterattacks, the Faultless Defence Blessing, or Reflect Damage, and control the boss once the shield is down.
Gnut is a key player in many teams for the Fire Knight, thanks to his ability to freeze the boss and deliver Enemy Max HP nukes. Gnut’s triple hit A1 can place a Freeze debuff with each hit, making him an excellent choice to pair with Ally Attackers for controlling the Fire Knight and reducing the shield counters. Additionally, Gnut brings a Decrease Attack and Weaken combo to mitigate incoming damage and boost your team’s output. His A3 unleashes a triple hit Max HP nuke, to significantly speed up your run times.
Although Blizaar, a previous fusion champion, has a randomized A1 attack for placing Freeze debuffs, when facing a single target, all hits will be directed at the boss. Once booked, he has a 50% chance to place a Freeze with each hit, and the multi-hits are great for reducing the boss’s shield counters. Against waves, his A3 can Freeze all enemies while decreasing their Turn Meter by 30%, buying your allies time to wipe them out while dealing solid damage himself. Blizaar also provides Increase Defence and Ally Protection buffs for additional team survivability.
Criodan is undoubtedly one of the best epic champions for taking on this boss. While his A1’s chance to land Freeze debuffs isn’t as high as some of the legendaries mentioned, a triple hit attack with a 35% chance on each hit to place Freeze is strong. This, combined with his Increase Speed buff and 15% Turn Meter fill for your team, helps you cycle through turns more effectively. Additionally, his AOE attack offers a 65% chance on each hit to apply more Freeze debuffs, whether against waves or the boss itself.
This powerful barbarian, Yakarl, brings the chilling power of frost to the battle, and all players can earn him by collecting fragments in the Clan Shop. His standout skill is the A2, which slows the boss down with a Decrease Speed and applies a Freeze Debuff. Yakarl also excels at wave clearing, making him a strong choice for speed farming. His AOE Freeze [A3] gives your allies time to eliminate enemies, while his A1 offers a double 50% chance to land additional Freeze effects on the boss.
If you’re looking for an Epic champion to join your Fire Knight team, few can match the performance of Neldor. His triple hit A1, once booked, has a 40% chance to apply Freeze on the boss, helping to control the Turn Meter. What truly sets him apart is his unique passive, which synergizes with allies who also place Freeze, and each time they do, Neldor has a 30% chance to attack with his A1 again. Neldor’s A2 inficts four hits to reduce shield counters, while his A3 places Decrease Speed to further slow the boss down, making him an all around top choice for Fire Knight.
Although this Shadowkin warrior doesn’t have a default Freeze ability, he has one of the best active skills for controlling this boss. His A2 offers a 100% chance to apply Freeze with a triple hit attack, and since there are no other targets, all hits will be directed at the boss. This makes him highly reliable, as you’re not relying on a reduced chance to land the effects. His other skills focus on dealing damage to single targets and self buffing after killing enemies, making him a strong, well rounded option for this encounter.
This Epic from the Sylvan Watchers pairs well with ally attackers and other Freeze Champions to help control the boss. His Cyroslash [A1] attacks twice, with each hit having a 50% chance to place a Freeze debuff when booked. Pann also brings an AOE attack to assist in clearing waves and can self buff with Increase Attack and Increase Speed if your team lacks this support. Additionally, his triple hit A3 can reduce shield counters and inflicts significant damage if you’re not solely relying on his A1 control.
This Legendary from the High Elves faction is known as the Queen of Frost, but how does she fare against the Fire Knight? Her A1 delivers a triple hit, with each strike having a 25% chance to apply Freeze. Her A3 offers an AOE Freeze with a 100% chance once booked, making it ideal for controlling both waves and the boss. While a buff to Shirimani’s A1 would help her match champions like Blizaar or Gnut, she remains a decent option for players looking for boss control.
When it comes to the Fire Knight, this legendary is eager to unleash her frost on him. Starting with her A1, she has a 50% chance of placing Freeze once booked. Gliseah’s A3 not only places Block Debuffs on allies, but also has an 80% chance of placing Freeze. Additionally, her A2 applies a Weaken debuff, making her a great match with allies like Fahrakin who bring Decrease Defence. While none of her skills have a 100% chance to land, she can still be a decent addition to teams that include stronger options.
Emerging from the Dark Elves Faction, is this strong single target damage dealer, duel wielding blades infused with the power of frost. His A1 has a 30% chance to apply a Freeze debuff on each critical hit, and while it’s less impactful than others on this list, it synergizes well with ally attackers and other Freeze options. Dirandil also has an AOE attack for clearing waves and a single target nuke that ignores 50% of a target’s Defence.
The link under Blizaar the Howler takes you to Lyssandra.