Aphidus The Hivelord
Last Updated: May 27, 2024
Aphidus The Hivelord Overview
Hidden in the shadows of the Elven Empire, it’s been rumoured a lonesome Warrior had raised a hive of deadly bugs. Not only were the rumours true, but he was bitten by one, and can now Metamorph into an pincered Scarab beast! Aphidus The Hivelord is a Mythical Defence champion from the Dark Elves Faction.
Base Form
The core mechanics of this pyro tactician form is to incinerate his foe to the ground! What makes this champions burn synergy so strong is the fact he instantly activates them, or simply places them if none are active. When facing content such as the Hydra, Frost spider & the Tainted Skavag [as examples], this detonation effect can be extremely powerful to detonate your allies, or his own burns. This skill is brought to the next level with the passive, as he not only Decreases the enemies DEF by 3% each time he places a Burn Debuff [Stacks up to 30%], But gains 10% Crit Damage for each Burn on the enemy team [stacks up to 100%], and 5% ATK for each burn activation [stacks up to 50%]. This synergy here can be devastating during a longer fight such as the Hydra, and will really add to the damage potential. Outside of the burns, Aphidus places a 50% Increase Attack buff on all allies, increases the duration of enemy debuffs, followed by an A1 that places Perfect Veil buffs on your highest ATK ally. This won’t only amplify your damage potential, but will keep debuffs active long enough to cycle your skills for a more consistent up time.
Alternate Form
Behold The Beast! As we Metamorph into this oversized bug form, the skills here revolve around strong crowd control and buffs/debuffs. In the Spider’s Den, controlling the spider lings can be a nuisance, therefore utilising his A2 to Stun them coincides perfectly with the Base Forms burns! He also has an AOE Provoke that will be useful to control bosses such as The Magma Dragon & Head Of Decay, coinciding with a passive to Weaken / Stun enemies who attack him. This bug may have a simple kit, but plays the role of a solid tank to assist your team through battle.
Aphidus The Hivelord PVE Masteries
Aphidus The Hivelord PVP Masteries
Dungeon and Boss Blessings
Aphidus The Hivelord Gear Recommendations
Recommended PVE Stats
Base Form – SPD, ACC, C.RATE, C.DMG
Alternate Form – SPD, ACC, HP%, DEF%, RES
Recommended PVE Artifact Sets
Base Form – Speed, Perception, Relentless, Retaliation
Alternate Form – Speed, Perception, Righteous, Guardian
Recommended PVP Stats
Alternate Form – ACC, SPD, HP%, DEF%, RES
Recommended PVP Artifact Sets
Alternate Form – Stoneskin, Protection, Bolster, Guardian, Perception