Skeletor – Champion Spotlight
Skeletor is the brand new FREE login champion for the end of 2024 in Raid: Shadow Legends, and in this guide we’ll be explaining everything you need to know about him: his strengths and weaknesses; his build; his masteries; and more.
Although Skeletor is considered to be one of the weakest login legendaries so far, he can still help your account if you know how to use him correctly. Read on to find out more!
Skeletor Overview
Skeletor brings a decent crowd control to the fight, alongside strong strong accuracy manipulation and crucial debuffs against bosses.
The Increase Accuracy buff on his A3, coupled with his 60 Accuracy in All Battles Aura and the 50% Decrease Resistance debuff on his passive can add up to make a massive difference. Stage 15 of the Iron Twins Fortress, for example, has 350 resistance, which means you would normally need to build 375 accuracy on your champions. If you apply the full suite of Skeletor effects listed above, the requirement drops to a mere 73 accuracy, which is bonkers! Note that it will be tricky to maintain his Decrease Resistance debuff against slower bosses that don’t attack much, in which case you would need 190 accuracy, in this same scenario.
His A2 is very different depending on the type of content you are doing:
- for Arena, this is a great crowd control ability, though note that he cannot place Petrification if the enemy has Stoneskin or Block Debuffs buffs.
- for bosses, this provides core debuffs in Decrease Speed and Decrease Attack, though not all bosses are susceptible to them. Iron Twins and the Chimera are standout fights where you want both of these debuffs in many types of teams.
His A1 can extend debuffs which makes it a decent option. Pair this with debuffs that are very powerful but difficult to maintain, such as HP Burn from a Geomancer or Block Active Skills from Lydia the Deathsiren.
One big advantage that Skeletor has for players who complete Phase 2 of the Skeletor Chase is that you will get a free 5-star Soul for him. This should be used to get the Brimstone blessing, which will make him much more valuable against basically every single target boss in the game.
How To Build Skeletor
The key stats to look for on Skeletor are:
- Speed
- Accuracy
Speed will allow Skeletor to rotate through his skills quickly and keep good uptime on his buffs and debuffs; aim to have him faster than all of your damage dealers at least. Accuracy is essential to land his debuffs; aim for at least 190 to be set for Iron Twins and Doom Tower (Chimera might need more!). After these stats, HP and DEF are always good for survivability.
The recommended sets for Skeletor are:
- Pinpoint
- Feral
- Perception
- Speed
- Accuracy
Simply enough, any sets which boost Speed and Accuracy are ideal. Pinpoint is great for arena to prevent Polymorph. Feral is better for bosses if you can get 9-pieces (very difficult to do) due to the damage boost it provides. Skeletor should be pretty easy to build, so don’t feel pressured to use your best gear on him; save the best for other champions.
For masteries, we recommend going down the Offense Tree for Warmaster and the Suport Tree for Sniper and Master Hexer: these will help him deal more damage to bosses and make his debuffs (particularly his passive) a lot more consistent.
Check out our Skeletor Champion Page for even more info and alternatives!
Where to use Skeletor
The first place to use Skeletor is in bomb teams in the arena. Pair him up with a bomb champion such as Gnishak Verminlord and a booster like Arbiter who brings Turn Meter Boosting, Increase Attack and a Speed Aura, and watch the enemy blow up. This is particularly effective against enemies in Stoneskin, who take extra damage from bombs! The goal here is to have Skeletor boost accuracy with his A3 to ensure your bombs will land. Use Skeletor’s A2 to petrify any enemy who survives. A lockout champion such as Basher makes for a perfect final addition to the team, since they also want his accuracy buffs.
Iron Twins is the standout dungeon where Skeletor can help players progress. Decrease Attack and Decrease Speed will boost your survivability and 5-star Brimstone can deal a huge amount of damage to the boss (Decrease Speed stops the boss gaining turn meter when your team gets buffs). His accuracy manipulation can make it much easier for newer players to reach the requirements for the high stages here, especially since the boss attacks frequently to trigger Skeletor’s passive.
Skeletor MIGHT be very helpful to newer players in the Chimera Clan Boss: we know it is vulnerable to Decrease Attack and Speed, and we are expecting it to have high accuracy requirements. Stay tuned for the official release of this boss for full guides here on
Amius the Lunar Archon in the Cursed City of Sintranos is a very difficult fight for most players. Skeletor should be very useful here thanks to his 5-star soul. Simply A1 at the start to apply Brimstone for huge damage (at 5-star, Amius cannot cleanse it). Use Skeletor’s A2 when Amius is about to change into his second form to reduce the damage he will deal, or extend the Decrease Attack debuff with his A1. Save his A3 to steal Increase Resistance when Amius swaps the Decrease Resistance debuff from Skeletor’s passive in his first form.
Is Skeletor Worth Using?
Whether Skeletor is worth using will depend on each individual account.
Increase Accuracy and Decrease Resistance on the same kit is a very rare combo, but Skeletor is quite weak if you do not need these accuracy boosts.
If you are a late-end game player (playing for 2+ years), then Skeletor will be very low value for you. You likely have better champions, such as Lady Mikage, available to use instead.
If you are early-mid game player (0-2 years), then Skeletor might be helpful to you for progressing in arena or in single-target boss fights. He is partiuclarly good at helping you overcome accuracy requirements, and the free 5-star soul is very powerful with Brimstone. Look for him to be useful in Iron Twins, Arena, Amius the Lunar Archon, and Clan Boss. Make sure that he will make a significant and long-term difference in these teams before booking him, because 14 books is a very high cost for a single champion.
The new Chimera Clan Boss is the big question mark right now, since Skeletor could be a strong option for many players if it ends up having very high accuracy and speed requirements. Some Trials might require his buffs and debuffs as well. Stay tuned on the site for more guides on the Chimera once it is live in game!