Call of the Arbiter – Recap Episode 3 SPOILER WARNING
Join us as we recap the events that unfolded in Call of the Arbiter Episode 3, as we go on an adventure with Kael!
If you haven’t watched it already, head over to the Official Raid Shadow Legends YouTube channel and watch it before reading further!
The content below contains massive spoilers for the Call of the Arbiter Episode 3
Proceed with caution
Episode 3 Recap
Just like the last 2 episodes, we start with Arbiter calling out to one of the 4 starter champions, this time Kael, unlike the last 2 episodes however, this whole episode is narrated by Arbiter, we’ll include a copy of this narration at the bottom.
The scene sets with 2 islands close together, one beautiful and flourishing the other burned and destroyed, we see an army of Dark Elves storming a castle and being held off by an army of High Elves who are being led into battle by Queen Eva (we’re assuming this will be explained in a future episode!), the battle ensues and eventually, they agree to form an agreement for peace, the whole thing is led and hosted by Queen Eva.
In Queen Eva’s chambers, Elhain, Queen Eva’s niece, is showing her a book she’s found, that claims that the Dark Elves and High Elves aren’t so different after all, Queen Eva tells her not to show this to anyone.
The conclave begins, with the High Elves and Dark Elves sitting around a split round table, separated into their races, everyone is fighting and peace seems to be going nowhere so Elhain speaks up and shows them a better way, everyone laughs at her, and the fact that she is the heir apparent, apart from Kael who seems genuinely moved by her ideas.
Together kael and Elhain visit a beautiful cave in the mountains, with statues covered in moss and a waterfall in the centre, there are drawings on all the walls similar to the ones in Elhain’s books depicting a better relationship between the two races.
They visit this cave again and again, learning all the secrets they can, and eventually fall in love and appear to be very intimate, at least it’s heavily implied… Whilst cuddling on the floor covered in a blanket, they find a spearhead-shaped gem, when they join hands on the gem it glows and then breaks in half.
They agree to meet back at this cave with the next conclave. Kael shows up as promised, he waits days and days, but Elhain never shows up, he reaches around his neck for his half of the gem which he has fastened into a necklace and lets out a scream of betrayal whilst holding it, a pink light emits from the gem and pulses in a ring outside of the cave.
Kael throws himself into being the best Dark Elf he can be, practising his dark magic in the cave, destroying it in the process, he rips off his necklace and throws it to the ground and then leaves the cave to return to the army.
Years go by and the two races are once again at war, since a peace treaty could never be reached, the dark elves, decided to send out a preemptive strike to show the strength of their army now, which is led by Kael.
They take out Royal Guards along the way, some being poisoned, others cut down and work their way to Queen Eva’s chambers, Kael enters alone and finds Elhain, not Queen Eva.
They fight between them until Kael sees the necklace still around her neck, they stare at each other, breathing heavily and Kael calls out Elhain’s name longingly.
Arbiter’s Narration:
“From time immemorial none have escaped the torment of war.
But, hidden deep in the world there is a cure. Cast out from the territories of Aravia, the dark elves sought to reclaim their homeland, but the High Elves had not forgotten that the Dark Elves had fallen from grace.
They still saw a menace that carried with it the influence of evil. After centuries of fighting an armistice was reached. The terms would be discussed at the conclave of the Elves and it would be led by Queen Eva. She wished for her niece to attend so that young Elhain learned something of the world.
Elhain believed that the Dark Elves and the High Elves were more alike than anyone knew. Queen Eva forbade Elhain from sharing her radical notions with the rest of the conclave. The summit devolved into insults and threats. The airing of grievances. Her ideas were ill-received. There was one whom she had stirred with her words, the Dark Elf, Kael, had reason to believe her Elhiain.
Kael showed her that the shadow that stained the Dark Elves could be purified. That her race held the key. They returned to the cave every night. They learned its secret. And each others. They promised each other that when the next conclave was held they would meet in this very place.
True to his word kael returned. Time passed. He waited. And worried. She never came. Perhaps he had been wrong. Perhaps the compassion he had seen in Elhains eyes was yet another deceit. A gambit designed to humiliate him, the way that High Elves always had.
Kael poured himself into the cause of his race. He welded his broken heart shut with power. In the years that passed the peace talks had failed. And now the Dark Elves began a shadow war.
A preemptive strike would announce the new-found strength of the Dark Elves. They would return to their rightful home.”
What did you think of the Call of the Arbiter Episode 3? Let us know in the comments!