Published On: June 4, 2021
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Every Banner Lords Epic Reviewed in two lines or fewer

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Recently HellHades released his updated “Every Champion Reviewed in 30 Seconds” series so we thought we would start something similar with the website. These posts will be split into faction for ease of reading!

Hordin: Single target champion that hits hard. Good for the very early arena. That’s it

Lordly Legionary: You get him from login rewards, out and out Fire Knight champ even better now, since he is affinity friendly for the later stages of the dungeon.

Archmage Hellmut: Plenty of turn meter control, AOE stuns. He is well worth building. Amazing champion!

Gerhard the Stone: Single target champ that hits very hard. He has a passive that makes him immune to lots of debuffs.

Oathbound: Under-rated for this faction, loads of control in his kit. Well worth building.

Chancellor Yasmin: When AI changeability comes into the game, she will be good. But at the moment she is trash because her AI is trash.

Seneschal: Average, Average, Average. Wouldn’t build him!

Alaric the Hooded: A3 hits hard with a nice decrease attack. Other than that, he has a very low base defence stat, he is very squishy. Wouldn’t build him.

Knight-Errant: One of the hardest hitting epics in the game, has leech and weaken in his kit. If you’re struggling for champions, build him, if you’re not, don’t.

Stag Knight: One of the best epics in the game. Build him! Simple as that, you will not regret it!

Masked Fearmonger: Complete trash.

Giscard the Sigiled: AOE provoke on his A2, increase def and increase atk on his A3. Decent champion. Really strong team protector.

Rowan: Has been buffed twice now and is still trash. Decent for the very early game Clan Boss and Dragon as a poisoner.

Azure: A bit of protection for your team but doesn’t do anything else. Wouldn’t build him.

Warcaster: Used in unkillable teams, but if you have the choice of unkillable teams, you are not going to use him. Pretty useless everywhere else except Faction Wars because of the AOE block buffs on his A2.

Ursala the Mourner: Top tier epic, one of the best revivers in the game, decrease attack on her A2. Just a brilliant champion. If you get her, build her!

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3 years ago

Archmage is also immune to turn-meter control so Valkyrie and Lysandra look like idiots if they target him.

3 years ago


3 years ago

Ursula was the champ that helped me beat this faction. Great champ!