hydra creator clash
Published On: May 23, 2023
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Hydra Creator Clash – Round 1 and 2 Recap


Rounds 1 and 2 of the Hydra Creator Clash have officially come to an end – but who will reign as King of Hydra between the 8 Contestants?

Today we’re going to break down the results of the opening 2 rounds for those who missed it, and take a little look at what might be upcoming in the final!

For those who haven’t been following the event, you can catch up on the official Hydra Creator Clash on DeadwoodJedi.com.

Hydra Creator Clash – Round 1

MTGJedi vs Skratch

The opening fight of the series was one you did not want to miss, despite the fact that MTG was seeded as the lowest, it’s arguable that he might have the 2nd best team in the entire tournament!

We all know what Skratch brings, along with a crazy account with crazy gear, his knowledge is exceptional for all things RAID, and he might be slightly competitive!

Up first was MTG, with an incredibly exciting team that shocked everyone with the damage he was able to output, in fact, we had to instantly update our ratings for Taras the Fierce on Hydra because… wow!

hydra creator clash mtg

After MTG, It was Skratch’s turn, and well, maybe Trunda should have been in the included banned Champions for this Tournament, because she absolutely obliterated the Hydra, albeit in an incredibly strong build, no other Champion in the game can output 20+ million damage in a single turn!

Skratch stopped his run prematurely, so at this point, we do not know the full potential of Skratch’s team, but props to MTG for bringing the fight to this one!

hydra creator clash skratch

YST vs Coldbrew

Next up, it was time for the master of Bad RNG – Coldbrew, I’m sure you’ve all heard the saying “Coldbrewed”

Coldbrew vs YST on paper was the most even fight in public opinion, with them coming 4th and 5th in the seed voting, and both of their teams looked very promising going into it.

With Coldbrew getting placed at 5th seed, he kicked things off with his run, which unfortunately the dreaded 3% chance to resist came to play in full effect, causing his run to fizzle out early, leaving him significantly off his potential damage – unfortunately, that’s the joy of Hydra and it’s RNG.

But it is safe to say, Coldbrew did get Coldbrewed.

hydra creator clash coldbrew

After Coldbrews untimely death, the ball was in YST’s court, and by the time of his run it was long past midnight, and his eyes were heavy, but sleep is for the weak (or Conellia‘s) and YST managed to push through, showing his incredibly cool team with a surprising twist as he dropped Walking Tomb Dreng for Skraank – what an epic!

Thankfully for YST, just like Skratch, he was able to end his run early, keeping his final damage under wraps for at least 1 more round as he progressed into the semi-finals!

hydra creator clash yst

NubRaids vs OddOneGaming

The two prolific Hydra Specialists were about to go head to head, to see who was the best between them… the best at using 6 thrown-together, limited champions and praying that RNG doesn’t come in and ruin the day…

OddOne, the newest entry to these Content Creator competitions due to him just being given access to the test server (congratulations OddOne, you deserve it!) was the first of this duo to kick things off, with an absolutely awesome run, truly showing the power behind Nekmo Thaar, whilst also sporting the free login Champion, Deliana!

OddOne’s team was incredibly offensive, with 5 of his 6 champions putting out substantial amounts of damage!

hydra creator clash oddone

Nubs was left quite nervous after watching OddOne’s damage, understandably so as he gave an incredibly strong performance pushing over 100 million damage with the team he had.

But how would Nub compare? It was time to find out as he began his battle, eventually – after the Live Chat convinced him he was on Nightmare instead of Brutal on the PERFECT start, so he had to give up on that run and back out when in actual fact, it was Brutal the whole time!

Despite a shaky start, and a few very close calls, Nubs scraped in an incredibly tight victory, no matter how close to scary it was at the end, a win is a win!

hydra creator clash nub

Deadwood vs Hellhades

Last up, we had the final match-up of round 1 – Host vs Reigning Champion – who would emerge victorious?

The first to showcase their team was Deadwood, and well – he hit 1 key damage at least! but things didn’t quite pan out after that, with his run unfortunately not making it ahead of anyone in terms of damage output, which the other content creators would be sure to not let him forget quickly!

Above anything else though, it’s important to take note of the fact that Deadwood managed this damage (way above a 1 key) with 3 epics and 2 past fusion Champions, and that can’t be knocked – what a great team!

hydra creator clash deadwood

Unfortunately for Deadwood, Hellhades didn’t take the same ‘Free to Play’ approach that Deadwood took, rocking up instead with a +4 Cupidus!

Hades was fortunate that he actually didn’t have to continue his run past this point, allowing him to save the rest of the damage a secret ahead of the Semi Final showdown.

But we’ve got to say, Venus and Cupidus are such an awesome pairing for Hydra of any level, however Affinity issues on the particular rotation were not the finest!

hydra creator clash hellhades

Hydra Creator Clash – Round 2 – Semi Final

NubRaids vs Hellhades

It was time for Hellhades to try and defend his crown once more, but first up, was Nubs with the new addition of Nekmo Thaar in his team, courtesy of OddOneGaming, which with no exaggeration took Nubs teams to new levels, what a difference!

If you compare to Round 1, Nubs was scraping the barrel to get the win at around 110 million damage, but now, things were much different, and longer…!

The combination of Nekmo Thaar, Maulie and Inquisitor Shamael ALL boosting Turn Meter gave a HUGE amount of turns of the whole team, whilst also adding in a Decrease ATK debuff he was not able to get into the team beforehand, largely nullifying the threat from Head of Wrath, when previously it was his kryptonite.

After a while, and I mean a while, Nubs set his team to auto and let it finish up on its own, after manually controlling it for around 55 minutes!

hydra creator clash nub 2

It was going to be quite the task for Hellhades to beat the insane nearly 170 million damage by Nubs, but could he do it?

Hades didn’t opt to take any Champions from Deadwoods team, but he did make one change to his existing team – waving goodbye to the longevity and sustain that Lord Champfort provided for a more offensive option, who also did bring some sustain, but at the cost of Decrease ATKBrogni!

Unfortunately, things didn’t quite pan out, and the Hydra got the better of Hellhades, as affinity played a huge part in Cupidus‘ ability to deal damage.

Hydra Creator Clash is not going to join the tally of victories for Hellahdes, the streak is broken!

YST vs Skratch

The second Semi-Final was one that YST was dreading, but having spent days optimizing his team he was not about to back down without a fight, and he’d put in lots of times of test runs, reaching some incredibly strong numbers on full auto.

It was time to put the team to the ultimate test, with a full manual run to try and squeeze out any extra damage he could in order to try and knock Skratch out of the competition ahead of the final vs Nub…

Unfortunately, Khoronar and YST became sworn enemies during his run, as he seemed incapable of avoiding the 3% resistance chance on more than one occasion, missing out on a Provoke and forcing Head of Decay to cleanse the other heads, which early on caused him to miss out on nearly 15 turns of damage putting him instantly behind his previous attempts.

His run was awesome, and despite the setbacks, he pushed out some incredibly strong damage (when you consider that the top chest is 29.4 million damage on Brutal) it just sadly was not even close to his previous bests from testing. Curse you Khoronar – But would it be enough?

hydra creator clash yst 2

Now, for the penultimate Hydra Battle of the competition, Skratch knew what he had to beat, and after the display, we saw from his Trunda in Round 1 – would it be a walk in the park for him?

Well, Trunda took a backseat for this one as Skratch wanted to make things more interesting, opting to bring in MTG’s Taras the Fierce ahead of her, whilst she never skips leg day, once in a while, she does skip Hydra day!

The rest of Skratch’s team remained unchanged, and the absolutely crazy Taras build certainly did some work, hitting for multiple millions against the exposed Hydra heads, but nothing quite as extreme as Trundas A2.

As much as YST tried to play some tricks on Skratch as he was approaching his damage, Skratch remained focused and edged past YSTs final damage, to claim his spot in the final!

hydra creator clash skratch 2

The Hydra Creator Clash Final is SET – Nubs vs Skratch on Thursday at 3 PM UTC – Who will be victorious?

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