Published On: August 20, 2024
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Odin Event Dungeon Preview – Everything I Learned from the Test Server

Hey everyone, Nub here! Today I’m going to give you a quick guided tour of the first ever “Event Dungeon” in Raid: Shadow Legends—a limited time dungeon that will only be open between August 21st and October 24th for the Asgard Divide event. (And yes, it’s simply called “Event Dungeon” in game… We don’t want any of your fancy lore here!) This is currently the only announced way to get the incredibly powerful new Pinpoint set which could change the meta in the arena.


No matter what stage of the game you are on you will be able to beat at least some stages of this dungeon. There are 30 stages and the difficulty scaling across them is absolutely massive. For example:

From my testing I could see that Odin’s HP doubled between stages 20 and 25 and then increased by a further 50% by stage 30. I did most of my testing on stage 30 and I think the difficulty level will be similar to stage 25 of Sand Devil or stage 15 of Iron Twins. I found I needed about 500 accuracy to land debuffs on Odin on stage 30. There’s no doubt that stage 30 will be a challenge for even long-term players.


The interesting thing about this fight is that the boss Odin is almost identical to the new champion Odin who will be summonable during the Asgard Divide event! The main difference is that boss Odin has typical boss immunities to Crowd Control, is immune to turn-meter control and Decrease Speed, and has a cap on Enemy Max HP damage and probably reduced damage from Poison (the in-game tooltips, of course, don’t disclose half of this info and it needs to be discovered through testing).

The first major challenge is Odin’s passive. Every 9 turns (it counts EVERY turn that EVERY champion takes) Odin will get a Block Damage buff and spread all of his buffs to his entire team. I highly recommend bringing a Block Buffs champion to this fight or else this will slow your run to a crawl. At lower levels of the dungeon you can buff strip this Block Damage buff but for the stages where he is awakened (red stars) he will have the Lightning Cage blessing and this will protect it.

The second major challenge is his A2. This move removes all your buffs and places Decrease Defence and Stun on your entire team. In arena, you have things like stoneskin and polymorph to protect you but these won’t help past the first few turns of the boss fight. You might be able to resist these effects with Increase Resistance, bring a high resistance champion with a Cleanse, or use the protection set on a champion with Block Debuffs to prevent Odin stunning you.

The third major challenge is for the highest levels only (25+), where Odin also has high awakenings of the Temporal Chains blessing. This greatly reduces your speed and on stage 30 in particular it will do turn meter pushback when you buff your team.

Luckily, I found Odin’s A3 and A1 to be much less of a threat. Odin doesn’t hit very hard and I found that if you’re able to address his minions, A2 and passive then you should be ok in this boss fight. Watch out for the revive on his A3 if he kills one of your champions though!


As you ascend through the stages of this dungeon you will fight an increasing number of minions alongside Odin, with tougher champions appearing on higher floors. Once you get to the higher floors and start fighting champions with nasty crowd control effects such as Elder Skarg or Dune Lord Greggor, I found that it was very important to bring champions to crowd control these enemies with Stuns, Lockout, etc.

Block Buffs becomes extra important when there are tough minions since Odin will spread Block Damage and any other buffs he has to them whenever his passive triggers.


The team I used to beat stage 30 was Alatreon Blademaster, Odin Faefather, Wallmaster Othorion, Yumeko and Eostrid Dreamsong. This isn’t the best team possible for the boss or anything like that; it’s just what I found that worked well from my first few runs.

First of all, yes, I used Odin to beat Odin… He’s simply an incredibly powerful champion and I found his A2 to be incredibly useful here by Stripping Buffs if the enemy Odin got any, providing Decrease Defence so we could kill the enemy team more quickly, and Stun to lock down the minions. His A3 does decent enemy max hp damage against the enemy Odin as well which was a nice perk.

Alatreon Blademaster was brilliant for this fight to counter the enemy Odin’s A2. Since Alatreon can place a protected Block Debuffs buff with his A3 on a 3-turn cooldown, he was able to stop the enemy Odin from stunning us or placing Decrease Defence. On top of this his A2 was enough to keep our team alive.

Wallmaster Othorion came in clutch for me as a good AoE enemy max HP damage dealer who could do good damage to both Odin and his minions while also bringing the crucial Block Buffs debuff. He can self-buff his accuracy with his A3, letting him hit the required accuracy while still doing decent damage.

Yumeko brought in her incredible A3 which locked out the enemy minions and also reset our skills, making the run faster. She also is able to reflect Odin’s debuffs at him thanks to her Hex. I was even able to reflect the new Berserk debuff a few times even though it’s not supposed to work against bosses!

Finally, Eostrid Dreamsong came in to provide us with Increase Speed, to put Weaken on Odin, and to put Decrease Speed on the minions.


Marius the Gallant Splash Artwork

For anyone who has completed the Marius the Gallant missions, he will be amazing for this dungeon, bringing decrease buff duration, AoE enemy Max HP damage and Increase Accuracy for your team.

Packmaster Shy’ek could be a good budget Block Buffs option since he was a recent fusion. Pairing him with Fellhound could add up to a lot of damage with his passive.

Acrizia will rip through the boss and his minions with her incredibly consistent enemy Max HP Damage.

Artak could be a great budget option for anyone who got him as a free login champion since he brings AoE HP Burn and HP Burn Activation.

Armanz the Magnificent will be an incredible champion if you need someone to control the enemy minions, though he’s not much use against Odin himself.

Basher will be an amazing epic champion who can lock out the enemy minions and also brings Block Buffs.

I found Rector Drath to be a good healer, since the Perfect Veil on her Revive will stop your revived ally from being immediately killed again by Odin.

Elva Autumnborn in 6 or 9 piece protection set would be brilliant if you missed out on the limited-time Alatreon Blademaster.

Stay tuned for an in-depth guide on the webstite once the dungeon goes live in game and we can do more testing!


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fredrik lilja
fredrik lilja
4 months ago

So this 9th turn is BS ive counted to 5-7 turns for odin to cast block damage on himself/minions. i had one go with just seeker and odin. odin casted every 4-5th turn block damage

4 months ago

Do you guys know the drop rates for gear and accessories?

4 months ago
Reply to  LupusW
3 months ago
Reply to  LupusW

Use the stages tool on this site. It´s faster.