Published On: January 29, 2021
Start your Raid Journey Today!

Top 20 Non-Void Epics in Raid: Shadow Legends!


So with the 2x event around the corner we know not all of you will pull the legendaries that we all deeply desire so here are some epics to look out for when you’re pulling your shards!


20 – Melga Steelgirdle: Melga was added in the January patch to the Dwarves faction and has a kit consisting of a shield, heal and a revive. Her supportive kit will help your nukers stay alive. She is one of the best Epics for Dwarves Faction Wars in a Faction that needed the help!


19 – Kaiden – Kaiden is from the Dark Elves faction and is a defensive champion therefore easy to keep alive and his damage scales from his defensive power. His kit provides a provoke, and an AOE decrease attack which will be very useful when fighting mobs. He also has a revive and an increase defence so will be supportive for your team. Kaiden is top tier in Faction Wars and strong almost anywhere.


18 – Dark Elhain – Dark Elhain from the Undead Hordes is a free login reward champion. She has a huge AOE nuke in her kit and when she gets frozen she has a very strong AOE hit. Freeze is becoming more and more common in Raid especially in Doom Tower and Arena. This makes Dark Elhain even stronger!


17 – Achak the Wendarin – Achak was added to Raid in late 2020 and has an amazing kit! Achak is one of the strongest spider champions in the game with AOE freeze in his kit and an HP burn. He has a team turn meter boost, block debuff, and strengthen all of which will keep your team healthy!


16 – Sandlashed Survivor – Sandlashed is an Epic from the Orc faction. She has an ally protection buff and a reduce buffs skill in her kit which will be helpful for you against highly buffed teams. She also extends your buff duration with the same ability making her extremely strong in all content!


15 – Rector Drath – Rector a recent addition to Raid from the Knight Revenant faction has an AOE heal, a continuous heal, veil and a revive in her kit. This is very useful in your runs because the healing and veils will protect your damage dealers so they can offload nukes on the enemy. Rector is one of the best healers in the game!


14 – Aox the Rememberer – This champion has a heal, decrease attack, extends debuffs, and has poisons. He is greatly recommended in the spider dungeon due to the fact that he can take the spiders and when he’s attacked he extends the debuff of the attacker. If you partner him with an HP burn champion and pile on the defense he’ll tank the spiderlings for your team. He is also a great Clan Boss champion and general strong all rounder!


13 – Ultimate Galek – Ultimate Galek is from the Orcs faction and is a spider top tier champion due to his AOE HP burn, all you need to do is partner him with someone who can give an increase attack buff to fully max out his potential. He can also be used as a strong champion in Faction Wars and general dungeons.


12 – Armina – Armina from the Barbarians faction was introduced to Raid in January 2021. She has an AOE decrease defence which is good for mob waves and most areas of the game. She can also steal turn meter from enemy champions and can decrease turn meter and stun enemies. She is a huge champion to have so you can outplay the enemies.


11 – Fahrakin the Fat – Fahrakin the Fat from the Barbarian faction has a decrease defence, an HP burn, poisons and ally attack. This all makes for a very strong epic champion who can be useful in multiple areas. His ally attack is as good as any legendary version of this skill and his base stats are solid!


10 – Fayne – She has a poison, decrease attack, weaken and decrease defense, plus she does a nukes worth of damage. She has some important skills and does a load of damage but due to her low defense is difficult to keep alive unless you build her into a Clan Boss unkillable team,  if you do you should build her to be your glass cannon.


9 – Miscreated Monster – This champion is a legendary in disguise, he can carry your whole mid-game if you pull him early. He has an AOE stun shield which is based on your damage output so if you went to spiders dungeon and used the shield it would be equivalent to double your HP bar. He has ally protect that fears enemies when they attack a feared ally. He also has continuous heals. In conclusion, he is op.


8 – Alure – She is a fire knight specialist as all she is known for is her A1 which is a triple hit and it decreases turn meter. This ability is the best turn meter control ability in Raid bar NONE! She also has good use against Faction War and Doom Tower bosses!


7 – Royal Guard – He is in most of the end game dungeon speed runs due to the massive nuke he can lay down, which is an AOE max enemy HP attack. He smacks people left and right causing devastation in his wake! He also has a strong A1 and A3 but will need accuracy to activate those. Spider, Dragon, Ice Golem, Faction Wars to name a few places he can devastate in the right teams!


6 – Sepulcher Sentinel – Sepulcher from the Knight Revenant faction has a decrease attack ability on her A1 that is one of the best in the game especially for Clan Boss. She can stop the enemies from landing debuffs with her block debuffs team ability and is often used to block the stun on Clan Boss. This could be crucial in certain parts of the game. She can also block damage on one of your team with her passive that can come in clutch in all content!


5 – Stag Knight – Stag Knight from the Banner Lords has a kit consisting of top tier abilities and these rank him high. The AOE decrease defence and attack is a huge part of the game which weakens the enemies to breaking point allowing you to get that damage off and take reduced damage from them. He is used in most places of the game as his kit is so strong but especially strong in Spider and Ice Golem!


4 – Tayrel – Tayrel from the High Elves faction is a competitor to the Stag Knight as he also has AOE decrease defense ability but what pushes him to be a little better is that he has turn meter control, and this can come in clutch in certain fights especially Spider. He is also a great Clan Boss leader with an A1 that has single target decrease attack.


3 – Dhukk the Pierced – Dhukk from the Orcs faction was introduced to Raid in January 21 and has an AOE decrease attack and defence. He has a single target provoke ability linked to an unkillable buff so he can tank up some hits and allow your nukers to dish out the damage. Dhukk is also defense based and therefore easy to keep alive.


2 – Skullcrusher – Skullcrusher from the Orgyn Tribes is one of just three AOE counter-attackers in the game and the others are legendary champions. He just has to have his spot on this list as that ability is so strong! He will ensure your champions get more hits on the clan boss and will completely turn your runs around until you get that unkillable comp going.


1 – Uugo – Uugo was introduced to Raid in January 21 into the Orgyn Tribes and as one of the newer of the epics has a lot to offer as he has an AOE decrease defence and block buffs in the same ability allowing him to get the debuff on and his team hitting hard without allowing any unkillable buff to be placed. She has a revive and her passive kicks in when last alive blocking all damage and increases speed so you can synergise these abilities to get the revive in place and bring your team back into the battle! What a great new epic!


So, I bet you didn’t think some of those would make the list! Comment below if you think HH missed any and watch the full video for more tips and tricks! Good luck to those pulling shards!

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master wu
master wu
4 years ago

Really no Madame Serris what are you smoking I think you better do this list again how can you not love a total buff strip and double debuff in the one move cmon.

4 years ago
Reply to  jack

indeed this list was from the non-voids – I will re-name it :)

master wu
master wu
4 years ago

woops my bad I see its non voids maybe its me who is smoking lol

3 years ago

Doompriest could quite easily have made this list imo. Shes never really rated crazy high but shes great in all dungeons for both progression and non explosion speed runs. She fantastic in dungeons, great in DT for waves and ALL bosses and she is the MVP for FW. Dunno what more you could want for an epic. If you gave her anything else she would instantly be a top 3-5 epic

3 years ago
Reply to  zily

This list was made pre-doom tower, I think she would certainly make it now. I will revisit it :)

3 years ago

Wasn’t Hellhades just saying that Deacon should/could be one of, if not THE top, epic?

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Didn’t he also just say that geomancer is his favorite epic?

3 years ago

Please update the list. I’m considering Deacon form my next 6* and I’m confused why he is not here.

3 years ago

Needs an update with Deacon and Mordicai

3 years ago

Dude!!!! Deacon Armstrong??? Really? 🥺😭😭

3 years ago

Deacon Armstrong? Deacon is definitevly one of the best non-void epics.

3 years ago

Hellhades.com rates Deacon as a 4.5 and Melga, the “20 best non-void epic” as a 4. Deacon should be on this list!

3 years ago
Reply to  SS2020user

Geomancer also has the score 4.5 and is my best champ for clan boss. He should also be on this list!