Published On: January 30, 2021
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Top 20 non void Legendary’s in Raid Shadow: Legends!


So as we are about to get the Sacred shard 2x event in raid Shadow: Legends, we’ve listed the top 20 legendries that will change your account for the better! Let us know in the comments any underrated legendries we missed!


20 – Kreela Witch-Arm – To kick off our list we are going to start with Kreela a fragment champion. This orcs kit has an increase attack and increase crit rate which will buff your teams damage output. She does a lot of damage with her abilities. She is also a strong clan boss ally attacker if this is your strategy, one of the best.  Her stats are great so use her wisely! To get the most from her you will need to book that A2!


19 – Fu-Shan – This is an underrated champion who a lot of people sleep on! his speed aura alone is a strong way to introduce him into your teams . He has a 2 hit AOE a2 which can stun and hits like a truck. He has a 4 hit decrease defence which can come in handy in the fire knight to really get the shield broken and the boss nuked down fast. His speed lead is also huge in all battles!


18 – Ignatius – This Ogryn Tribes legendary is one of the hardest-hitting defence based champions in the game. get his defence up to do crazy damage. He has a stun on his a1 so that will be helpful in mobs. He has a hp burn which can be used in spider when you tone down his damage in order to keep the spiderlings alive to burn them. It is irresistible therefore going into the Doom Tower you’ll need a hp burn to defeat Sorath, put your Iggy in and get him burning the boss.


17 – Altan – He is a nuke so when you see him against you in the arena be fearful! He has a decrease attack (the stronger version) which will aid you in the clan boss and the arena. He buffs himself with his a2 because it places an increase defence buff which will buff his damage as he is a defence based champion. His passive allows revives after he has killed an enemy so like dodgeball when you catch someone out the person who threw it is out and you can bring someone back from your team.


16 – Iron Brago – Similar to Altan but with better abilities. Iron Brago has an increase defence and it is up all the time with a 3 turn cooldown and a 3 turn buff. He also has a passive which gives his team 10% of his defence, this can come in clutch in certain situations. He has an AOE decrease attack and provoke to carry you through the dungeons too!


15 – Rhazin Scarhide – This fusible champion is very much worth the patience to get him! He has a decrease defence, a weaken, and can dish out the damage with a multihit A1! Rhazin is used well in Fireknight due to his triple hit a1 and the debuffs playing a helping hand to take down the boss. Also Clan Boss is a good area for the Lizardman due to the debuffs he can provide and his huge damage potential!


14 – Nethril – This champion has some crazy multipliers which makes him so strong dealing some crazy damage.  He has 2 aoe’s which hurt. He can stun or decrease speed on his A2 and his A3 allows him to reduce 75% turn meter on enemies in an aoe ability. This turn meter manipulation god is so strong at keeping mobs at bay and allowing your team to hurt the enemies whilst taking little damage.  He also has poisons that will help in Clan Boss and other areas of the game. In Doom tower Nethril controls the waves and prevents them from doing anything!


13 – Rae – Rae has the 3rd hardest aoe nuke in the game depending on the number of debuffs on the enemy. Her aura is a speed buff in dungeons which will give roughly 30 more speed for your team. She also has a remove all buffs which is an aoe ability. The same ability also has a chance to freeze so she can manage waves very nicely. Finally her a1 is an aoe hit with a chance to place a decrease defence on the enemy.


12 – Scyl of Drakes – This free champion is obtainable through login reward and gets our number 12 spot.  She stuns with an aoe hit. She decreases speed and has a chance to decrease turn meter. therefore she’ll be very useful in the dungeons to control the mobs and stop the bosses from getting to their abilities. She is also part support as she has ally protects and heals to keep your team alive.


11 – Roxam – This new champion is underrated. He has an AOE decrease defence and a weaken in the same move which means he is one of a few to do so. He can fill his turn meter to go again quicker. He also has stuns and veils in his kit to keep him and your team alive. He is best paired with someone who can veil him before he has his turn!


10 – Bad El Kazar – He is a well sought after champion due to his insane kit! The Dragon solo run is huge as it shows his true power. The poisons, heals and full team cleanses really come in clutch. He can be basically used everywhere so makes sure you watch my video and check him out as he will help your team hugely!


9 – Zavia – She’s out here setting records for fastest clears in dungeons so why not get her out of your vault and use her? The poison popper lays poisons on her a1 and pops them all to do immense damage. Be aware you can use her poison explosion without any accuracy! This means you could build her full damage!


8 – Lyssandra – The turn meter manipulator, She controls her turn meter and speed and decreases the enemy turn meter. Her aura is speed in all battles which is huge for your team. This is the best speed manipulator in the game, best in class in Arena and amazing in Doom Tower and Fire Knight!


7 – Martyr – She is 1 of just 3 team counter-attackers in the game. She also places an increase defence on her team at the same time. her a3 hits really hard and can provoke and decrease attack of the enemy. She also has a decrease defence on her A1. Her best position is Clan Boss but she is capable of carrying your team anywhere!


6 – Prince Kymar – He has a speed aura in the arena that is the second-fastest in the game. He has an ability cooldown reset so your team can full combo then Kymar resets it all and they do the same thing again. He can also clear buffs off the enemies which is huge in most areas of the game. For example faction wars and Doom Tower it is highly effective.


5 – Duchess Lilitu – Here we reach the top 5 and to start Duchess can block buffs, place veils, and can revive the whole team with a veil. This champion can basically be used everywhere as she is crazy good! In the end-game we see her as one of the most sought after Doom Tower champion for waves and as one of the most OP arena defence champions!


I could decide so I put two in here!
4 – Ma’Shalled – He had his buff and he isn’t the vault keeper anymore! His a2 has increase crit damage, increase speed, true fear, and a leech all in one ability plus an extra turn to use his a1 which will be a nuke if the enemy has leech debuff on them. His a3 is a nuke and steals all the buffs from enemies!
4 – Candraphon – He is the king of the Arena defence with a passive that makes his take less damage whenever the enemy buff! The same passive makes his AOE nuke on his A2 hit for 40% more damage!


3 – Trunda Giltmallet – She has the hardest hitting AOE damage in the game due to her crazy multipliers. So an absolute nuke will be unleashed from the dwarf easily capable of 1-shotting an enemy team in savage gear. She has a hp burn but you need to rework her build in spider so change her build and get that accuracy up and reduce her damage. But she’s a massive nuke so use her in arena!


2 – Septimus – He can get an extra turn with his a1 when he kills an enemy so if you weaken them then he will just keep blowing them up until they are all dead. His a2 shreds based on enemy HP and is the hardest hitting ability in Raid! This is an absolute boss killer! He is good anywhere and my favourite champion, use him well!


1 – Valkyrie – She fills the number 1 spot! She has a counter-attack and can put a shield based on her defence number and will scale indefinitely. The shield will save your team in most parts of the game! You can use her anywhere in the game, literally everywhere but she is a Clan Boss extreme specialist.
She also has a passive that controls turn meter so in arena, you reduce their turn meter for every buff they place upon themselves so she will just stop them moving and give your team the advantage (Really annoying to face). If you pull her this weekend GET HER LEVELED UP!


Good Luck those of you pulling your shards. Hope you get the legendary you want! Happy raiding!

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3 years ago

3 Lizard legendaries on that list but you missed out Dracomorph? That’s a bit surprising as he is in my opinion one of the best and most game changing champions in nearly all areas.

3 years ago

Yeah, how is DRACO not on the list yet Roxam is? Roxam has qualifiers on his AOE def down and weaken. Draco just does it. I would probably put draco in the top 5 and kick the other lizard off the list entirely.

3 years ago

The champions that should have made it to the list: Big Un’, Sethallia, Foli, Maulie and Draco. And definitely not Roxam.

3 years ago

This needs to be updated. Brogni and Lydia would crack this list now.

I don’t know how Draco was not on this list though.

3 years ago
Reply to  animejay

So Lydia would crack the list of top 20 non void lego’s….interesting ;)

2 years ago

Also, no Arbiter? She’s in like every arena team and helps carry in most early/mid game content

2 years ago
Reply to  compuchas

Nevermind! I need to read the title of the article lol

2 years ago

Where is Dracomorph?

2 years ago

This and the epic one needs an update. No geo or deacon in epics and no Brogni or Draco in here. HH team, please make an updated version!