Published On: April 5, 2022
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What is the best Character in Raid Shadow Legends?

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This is a commonly asked question that truly is very hard to answer, there are so many game modes in Raid that it’s hard to pinpoint an overall BEST character, more to the point, there’s no definitive answer as a lot of it is subject to opinion and compositions – A character may be excellent, but in many cases need a strong supporting cast to help them excel in their role.

Every single account is different, and because of such, each character will have a different impact on each individual.

But still, we are asked this question daily, so we will do our best to answer that today.

The best way to look into this is to pinpoint the key areas of the game and establish a top few characters for that, the one that is used in the most areas and is the most diverse we will refer to as today’s “best character in Raid Shadow Legends” – Of course, this is subject to opinion, and we’d welcome yours in the comments below.


Final Verdict:

Out of all of these incredible Characters, the notable mentions appear to be Duchess Lilitu, Prince Kymar and Krisk the Ageless, appearing in nearly every category, they are truly amazing characters as they bring such diverse kits, supporting your team and enabling you to progress and excel in nearly every area of the game.

However, the winner goes to: Yumeko

Quite possibly one of the strongest kits we have seen in a long time, she brings a combination of Warlord and Kymar’s Skill manipulation by reducing your teams skill by 3 turns and also the enemies skills by 3 turns. On a 5 turn cooldown this is an absolute crazy ability in all areas of the game. This skill alone would instantly make her a top 10 champion in the game however her A2 is also incredibly strong. If Yumeko places a Hex debuff (yes that useless debuff we all hear about!), then any debuff placed on any of your team has a 75% chance of transferring instantly back on to the Hex target. This is reduced to 50% against bosses. Essentially, you can run Yumeko and deflect 50% of the bombs back on Bommal, or say you’re facing Tormin in Doom Tower, that freeze will deflect 75% of the time.

Not only does she have these abilities but she is also incredibly difficult to control. She will start the fight with a Perfect Veil buff and when she is Veiled, Yumeko cannot be debuffed. Her base stats make her quite tanky so she will not be a burden to keep alive. Finally, she also pairs with the 2022 Valentine Fusion, Karato Foxhunter, although these are quite low value. Her A2 will steal the turn meter gains from any Turn Meter fill or any Veil buff on an enemy target under Hex.

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2 years ago

Got to add Arbiter to Arena Off.

2 years ago

No Valkyrie in CB?

2 years ago

You forgot to give love to Venus who is good in alot of places!